Made a good shot on nice buck about 7PM Thursday night. Gave him 45m to an hour. No blood at the scene or where the arrow broke. Arrow broke off about 4-6" from the point. Clean as whistle but sitting in water. The arrow looked consistent with a shoulder hit but there was no blood or hair at the sight and I was still confident in the hit I saw.
Looked on hands and knees real hard and could find no blood, hair, or tracks along the path I watch him exit. Still positive of the good hit but confused at the lack of sign at the shot location.
After a few hours of tracking, I start really focusing on where I last saw him leave the creek bed. Pulled out my compass and started working that direction carefully. A tip I learned first here on Trad Gang from Roger Norris via Ron LaClair. The travel direction was also into the wind and he smelled to high heaven like a rutting buck so I thought I might get a wiff. Did this for a long time and I finally stumbled on some blood while checking a runway. Once I found blood, it was a good trail and he was piled up right there. Found him about 10PM.
Hit was just like I thought. I think I got the stuff above the heart. Pretty much where I'd like to hit every one. Leave the pump, take out the plumbing. He went about 70 yards before I found blood. Only another 30 after that. I was real close to calling it a night and working on a plan to do a body search in the daylight. Discussing the situation with Steve-O, we agreed the shoulder muscles may have blocked the entrance hole to delay blood loss.
Love to hear other's thoughts on the nature of the blood trail. I'm sure this has happened to others throughout the years. I tend to go overboard writing about blood trail details but I've learned so much from these forums on the subject that I think it is very important for we as bowhunters to share information and recover every animal possible. I'm afraid this is the type of deer that would not be recovered with out some knowledge and persistence.
Got this trailcam pic right before the shot. Just a few steps from a “Whip”:
My best buck yet.:
This is the first time I've used a finger tab for hunting. I tried it a few days ago and it seem to fix an apparent torquing of the string habit I had somehow developed. Black Widow 3 under tab.
Tall Tines 60# @28". Easton 400 FMJ. 145gr Grizzly broad head with 100gr steel adapter.