Yeah, I reckoned if I could take a deer consistently in the big woods itd mean id learn a little something. I counted the two times I seen deer out of the three ive hunted, a success. I hunted what I thought would be my best spot yesterday.... but zilch. Lol. I do believe that having plenty of options available will help contribute to future success. So im constantly scouting. Theirs one spot in particular im curious about. Until I get a good wind though, ill just have to wait. Its a big huge knoll with a long skinny ridge(maybe 100 yds wide at the most) running NE. Where the hogs back runs into the knoll there is a deep, deadfall choked ravine running SE. Theirs a narrow 40 foot wide corridor that leads from the hogsback, down past the ravine to the left and the big knoll to the right, down to a 5acre bench full of whiteoaks below, and a small creek bottom on down beyond. I thought I detected a little run across in that narrow little corridor. I didnt find much sign in there except the "maybe" trail in the corridor, a few fresh beds up high toward the eastern crest of the knoll, and old scrapes from last year down on the bench. When I scouted it, I apprached from the south and spooked a couple deer down on the bench, now they deer beat it up through the little corridor which is encourageing. I wanted to hang a stand on a old loging rd running the length of the hogsback or w/e u call it. But my instincts kept tellin me to set up at the "maybe" trail runnin through the corridor. Im gona just go with my gut and not look back.