Here's what has worked for me since I began banging bones in 1985. I've modified a few things along the way, and will continue to do so as my knowledge of the creatures increases. Even though I've hunted blacktails since 1967, I still don't have them figured out!
I prefer big antlers, the sound will carry further in the dense timber and brush. When I began years ago I had a smallish 4pt set, they worked and I'm sure they'd continue to work. But as I increased the size of the antlers with longer tines, I could really tell the difference in sound...they seemed to RING and my responses increased. I've heard 4 or 5 buck fights over the years, and they are can't make as much noise as two live bucks duking it out! My current rattlers are a 140 class 4pt set.
I used to use a grunt call, rake brush, stomp the ground, etc. But I hardly bother anymore, those bucks are tuned into the antlers and all the other stuff will just distract you and maybe prevent you from seeing the buck before he see's you. If you want to use the calls, by all means use them.
I start out with a loud crack of the antlers, then rattle loud and steady for about 30 to 45 seconds. I'll try to wait 4 or 5 minutes and if nothing shows up I'll rattle another 30 seconds, then wait another 4-5 minutes. If I'm really confident that there are bucks within spittin distance I'll continue to rattle from this location for as long as 30-35 minutes before relocating.
Quite often a buck will start coming from a distance at the first crack of the antlers, usually moving fast. But as soon as you stop rattling, that buck will stop...he might stand there watching and listening for a minute or so, then begin walking toward where he heard the antlers. Meanwhile, he's closing the distance and then you start rattling for your second sequence and he's close, so as soon as he hears those antlers again he comes charging in fast and will catch you holding the bones! Bucks have caught me many times, usually during the second sequence.
If you have confidence in what you're doing, then you'll have the patience to wait and continue doing it.
I don't get bucks to respond every time I set up, or every day for that matter, but I go out expecting to rattle a buck where most guys go out hoping to rattle a buck.
It obviously helps to be in an area with plenty of fresh buck sign...or at least near a flock of doe's this time of year.
Good luck and have fun!