Originally posted by Ron LaClair:
Here's some of the crew this year. If you don't recognize the guy on the right that's my grandson Jordan, this is his first year in camp and his first ever bow hunt. Kind of neat that it was his first and my 60th
That's way beyond "kind of neat," Ron! That is plum awesome! I took too long of a hiatus from bow hunting to make 60 years of it, but I do hope to be around to see my grandkids bow hunt. My 10 year old granddaughter has been shooting, albeit with a compound, but not hunting yet. My eldest grandson is only 7, but I've got him shooting a little solid glass longbow. He started with a little lemonwood recurve that I got when I was about 8. Amazingly it survived my kids to be used by my grandkids, especially when you consider number one son left it out in the yard in the rain for a few days. :(
I'm sure the time spent at Shrewhaven was wonderful no matter how many deer were killed or not killed.