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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Dracon against fast flyte  (Read 441 times)

Offline robin

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Dracon against fast flyte
« on: November 01, 2015, 07:02:00 PM »
Why does dracon stretch so much as oppose to fast

Materials are different?
What does most bowyer use?

What kind of bow uses fast flyte or dracon?

Thanks for helping me understand this.  RT

Offline JRY309

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Re: Dracon against fast flyte
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2015, 09:51:00 PM »
Dacron is a polyester string material and will stretch more then most other string materials.Safe for any bow but not a desirable string material in my opinion.Can increase handshock in certain bows.Fast flight is kind of a generic term these days.Any new low stretch string material would be considered a Fast flight type string.There are many too choose from and some are made from blended materials for example BCY 8190 is 100% SK90 Dyneema and BCY-X is 93% SK 90 Dyneema with 17% Vectran.Very small diameter and very strong.BCY makes quite a few low stretch string materials and all with different properties.Brownell makes quite a few of new low stretch materials also.They come in different strengths and strand diameters,too many too choose from and to say which one is the best.But if it is not a dacron string it would be considered a Fast flight type string.Hope this helps some,I've been making my own strings for my bows for 20+ years.Not a professional string builder,there is a lot more info on strings out there.

Offline robin

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Re: Dracon against fast flyte
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2015, 07:11:00 AM »
Hi jry thank you for the explaination.

Offline LBR

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Re: Dracon against fast flyte
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2015, 10:30:00 AM »
JRY pretty much covered it.  Dacron (polyester) is a totally different material.

The "fast flight" types come in two styles, and quality can vary a lot.

You have the 100% HMPE (UHMWP, HPPE), and you have HMPE/Vectran blends.

100% HMPE is normally slightly faster, but not quite as stable, especially in higher temperatures.  This will vary depending on strand count, draw weight, the grade of the material, et.

HMPE/Vectran blends are usually a tad slower because Vectran is a heavier material.  Again, it can vary based on the above plus the percentage of Vectran used.  BCY materials use anywhere from 17% to 33% Vectran.

There are brand names of HMPE from highly respected companies like DSM.  Their brand is "Dyneema".  Dyneema comes in different grades.  Original "Fast Flight" bowstring (invented by the founders of BCY when they worked for Brownell) is SK65 Dyneema.  It has a considerable amount of elasticity when compared to the newer materials.  8190F and 8190 Universal are SK90 Dyneema--the highest grade currently available.  BCY-X is SK90 Dyneema with Vectran.

BCY-X is my current favorite bowstring material.

Everyone has an opinion and a preference, but based on what we can measure (strength, durability, consistency, stability) then 8190F or Universal is the best 100% HMPE material available;  BCY-X is the best HMPE blend.  

Bowyers seem to be like everyone else--they have their preferences.  I don't make strings for bowyers anymore, but when I did by far the most popular materials were Dynaflight '97 and 8125G.  At the time, these were the best HMPE materials available--before 8190 and BCY-X were developed.


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