There will be a drawing for all Contributing members for 2016 thanks very much to Andrew.
All 2016 Contributors will be entered in the drawing. You can put the $250 toward a 5 day hunt or a 3 day hunt...your choice...just get there and buy the cheap small game license and go hog hunting....and if you leave your appetite at home Andrew will have one waiting you you when you get there.
There also might be a drawing for a FREE hog hunt an another local....trying to work that out, just not sure yet.
Anyhow, if you would like to become a Contributor 2016 member and get in on this drawing and other drawings for 'stuff' throughout the year go here to get signed up via mail or paypal(at bottom) and please include your member number(not your password)...the number under your name when you post.......
Contributor 2016 Info - Click Here