They say you never forget your first. If that's true I wont forget tonight. My first Robin Hood with Trad Equipment. I've shot well enough to hit the kill zone consistently. Lately I've wanted to move from MOD ( minute of deer) to more precise such as MON ( minute of nock). I did it tonight by shooting my first arrow dead center in my 3D target. I then took another load of leaves up the hill with the tractor accompanied by squirrel patrol ( my two Brittanys). I unloaded and drove down raked another bucket load, walked over grabbed the Sasquatch 20 yds from the 3 D and promptly destroyed one if my new Trad Only 300 spines from 3 Rivers.
I'd like to Thank Kirk from Bigfoot Bows, DocNock, Arnie, and McDave for all their help recently. Directly or indirectly you guys have helped me take my shooting up a notch.