1 year ago I set up a very special bow for my father. This bow was my uncle's, who was killed in a farming accident 35 years. He was my Dad's best friend. I took the bow, set up arrows, and got it tuned and shooting really great and presented him with it. He's been shooting it and loving getting back into trad. the bow is a 62" Herter's Perfection Sambar, 45# @ 28".
This weekend when we were shooting I noticed something bad. I saw this on the working part of the bottom limb. Take a look at the pics and let me know a few things.
First, can this be fixed.
If so, how and give me a ball park of expected cost.
I'd love to get this bow safe and ready to shoot for him, but also won't spend too much as we could hang it for display only if not repairable.
You can feel the cracks with your finger nail when the bow is strung, you cannot when it isn't. These are new - as in the last few months. The 2nd pic shows the location on the limbs, at the pen point.
*I posted on the bowyer's bench forum as well.