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Author Topic: I've been missing out  (Read 751 times)

Offline IndaTimber

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I've been missing out
« on: November 04, 2015, 09:21:00 AM »
So I've been corresponding with another Trad Ganger about a spot of public land 45 minutes from my driveway.  I haven't hunted there this year but have in the past and was able to provide, hopefully, some useful information.
While going over some of my maps of the area, it hit me that I have access to over 10,000 acres of public land, all within an hour of my house.  I've hunted just about all of them but never really concentrated my efforts on any of them.  That is about to change.  I have all of next week off and then a few days off here and there throughout the rest of the season.  With previous knowledge of the areas I'm not going in completely blind but I'm going to concentrate on hunting and woodsmanship and getting it done on some public ground.

Offline Phillip Fields

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2015, 09:32:00 AM »
Good luck.
Keep em Sharp!

Offline fnshtr

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2015, 09:35:00 AM »
That is great. In my area it is getting very difficult to find private land to hunt. I am blessed with neighbors and family that have land I am welcome to hunt on.

Be sure to let us know how it goes!
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Offline ARCHER2

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2015, 10:13:00 AM »
You are very blessed to have access to that much public land so close. Good luck to you.    :archer2:
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength:they shall mount up with wings as eagles:they shall run and not be weary:and they shall walk and not faint......Isaiah 40;31

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Offline joe ashton

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 10:15:00 AM »
Good luck.   :archer2:
Joe Ashton,D.C.
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Offline Doc Nock

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2015, 10:57:00 AM »
Indeed, good luck!

In the area I lived in PA, there were considerable tracts of "Game Lands"...which were overrun by horse folks who would cut their own trails up steep draws, which led to heavy erosion, but if I as a hunter snipped a shooting lane, the bush cops wanted to arrest and fine me!!!

That and anything within an hour of major metro areas was pounded so badly, that it seemed there was deer sign, but never saw deer.

I started going in snow during our 2nd season after Christmas... and found that deer were making fresh scrapes, & rubs, at NIGHT...I'd go in dead dark 30 and come out dead dark and back next day to find all this fresh sign on top of snow...

After a while, I figured out that the "pressure" was pushing them off to adjacent posted ground during the day, and they'd come back after everyone went home!

Those areas were largely smaller tracts scattered here and there... I did get to hunt some that were larger, but still patchwork of tracts tied together interspersed with private holdings... Again, trailing in snow, we'd see numbers of tracks leading OFF the public onto private...

Of course, we were fortunate to hunt some private adjacent, but it was such that the deer didn't show up THERE either coming off the Game Lands till AFTER dark...

It all depends I guess, on the amount of pressure and if there is/are areas that are "safe zones" where deer can go and be relatively unmolested.

Best of luck...that sounds like a LOT of country to play in!!!    :thumbsup:
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Sasquatch LB

Offline IndaTimber

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2015, 11:22:00 AM »
Originally posted by Doc Nock:
Indeed, good luck!

In the area I lived in PA, there were considerable tracts of "Game Lands"...which were overrun by horse folks who would cut their own trails up steep draws, which led to heavy erosion, but if I as a hunter snipped a shooting lane, the bush cops wanted to arrest and fine me!!!

That and anything within an hour of major metro areas was pounded so badly, that it seemed there was deer sign, but never saw deer.

I started going in snow during our 2nd season after Christmas... and found that deer were making fresh scrapes, & rubs, at NIGHT...I'd go in dead dark 30 and come out dead dark and back next day to find all this fresh sign on top of snow...

After a while, I figured out that the "pressure" was pushing them off to adjacent posted ground during the day, and they'd come back after everyone went home!

Those areas were largely smaller tracts scattered here and there... I did get to hunt some that were larger, but still patchwork of tracts tied together interspersed with private holdings... Again, trailing in snow, we'd see numbers of tracks leading OFF the public onto private...

Of course, we were fortunate to hunt some private adjacent, but it was such that the deer didn't show up THERE either coming off the Game Lands till AFTER dark...

It all depends I guess, on the amount of pressure and if there is/are areas that are "safe zones" where deer can go and be relatively unmolested.

Best of luck...that sounds like a LOT of country to play in!!!     :thumbsup:  
I agree and I do know the public ground gets a little more pressure this time of year but there are a few spots that I believe are overlooked because they are smaller and the others are overlooked because they are just thick and nasty.

I also have private land that I can access but it can get just as much pressure with trespassers!

Honestly I'm just having so much fun with the longbow in tow that I'm wanting to do more exploring and learning more about the lands I have access to!

Offline John Scifres

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2015, 12:03:00 PM »
I hunt a lot of public land here in IN.  It's really about the adventure.  If you are used to hunting deer on ag land where they are trained to go from bed to feed along easily id'd paths, hunting big tract deer, particularly big woods deer can be frustrating.  But if you like to roam and are willing to share, and have a decent level of patience with others, it can be the most fun.  Sitting the same stands hunt after hunt bores the crap out of me.

A couple tips:

- Don't get mad at other users.  Not everybody thinks the same way or has the same goals.

- Don't fall in love with a particular spot or especially a particular deer.

- Hunt saddles in ridges and other terrain features, especially this time of year as the bucks are cruising for receptive does.

- Buy Brad Herndon's book "Mapping Trophy Bucks"

Here are a couple bow deer my brother killed on public land here last year:


I won't post my gun kill from last year but here's a link:    http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/jdscifres/media/DSC09181.jpg.html

Here's a public land doe:

Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2015, 08:17:00 PM »
Good luck!


Offline Doc Nock

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2015, 10:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by IndaTimber:
I agree and I do know the public ground gets a little more pressure this time of year but there are a few spots that I believe are overlooked because they are smaller and the others are overlooked because they are just thick and nasty.

I also have private land that I can access but it can get just as much pressure with trespassers!

Honestly I'm just having so much fun with the longbow in tow that I'm wanting to do more exploring and learning more about the lands I have access to! [/b]
Sorry if I whizzed in anyone's cheerios regarding public land... my tale was to suggest ONLY that you need to know your land, it's pressure and make sure your expectations are in line...

I bow hunt to at least SEE deer... archery to me is a "game of inches" and more things can go wrong then I can count...Murphy loves bow hunting!

Slipping thru woods that I've figured out are devoid of deer when I'm there, is not what I consider to be fun... that was my only point.  

Public land is highly varied.  Do your homework, research, learn and keep expectations in line with reality.

Many, many people hunt public land and are quite successful.  Those I know personally are successful because they patterned the other hunters and found areas where the hunters push deer and then that is where they hunt and have a grand time.  

Success can be measured in many ways, deer sightings, things you see or experience or just the time in God's woods! They are personal.
The words "Child" and "terminal illness" should never share the same sentence! Those who care-do, others question!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Sasquatch LB

Offline IndaTimber

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Re: I've been missing out
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2015, 10:22:00 PM »
[/QUOTE]Sorry if I whizzed in anyone's cheerios regarding public land... my tale was to suggest ONLY that you need to know your land, it's pressure and make sure your expectations are in line...

I bow hunt to at least SEE deer... archery to me is a "game of inches" and more things can go wrong then I can count...Murphy loves bow hunting!

Slipping thru woods that I've figured out are devoid of deer when I'm there, is not what I consider to be fun... that was my only point. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Didn't take it as anything but good information!

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