I shot a buck this past Saturday at 30yds with my new Silvertip, The Rocket. I found the front part of my arrow arrow about 10 yds along the trail, and the back fletching part about 20yds along the trail. No broadhead on the front part. The buck went about 50yds. I thought that maybe the Cutthroat was inside the buck. Then thought that was impossible as the exit slice was apparent and the arrow made its way through.
I looked for the broadhead with my metal detector along the bloodtrail with no luck. I was thinking about this some more wondering where it ended up. I remembered seeing my Nockturnal disappear into his heart/lung area and knowing I shoot 30" D&M Custom ACC Pro Hunters, the broadhead had to have blown thru.
So I went back again with my metal detector and found it stuck in the bottom of an oak buried half way. The buck took off and the Cutthroat stayed in the tree. It was still sharp. Amazing broadhead. I was shooting the 200gr LB with RW feathers. No issues with penetration for sure.
So have any of you guys find your broadheads in weird spot? Mine wasnt weird, just wasnt expected.