I grew up and hunted my whole life in states with one buck or one deer/day rules... So I hear where you're coming from.
The gent did point out he was fatigued and likely could have provided more detail regarding he sat down to provide the recommended "wait" on a marginal shot, and in that wait, along comes a horrendous buck which returns begging to be shot...
And in his locale, it was legal to shoot both the same day! Bada bing!
I blanched, but read on a nd see that it's not my gut reaction to 55 yrs of hunting a one buck existence that it was all kosher and he just glossed over the "wait" to do what we'd all do.
I shot 2 deer last deer(s) I shot...closing day... hour apart...doe first, then buck cause the rules changed...I saw where the doe went down, and the buck ran off but it was a great hit!
The work involved would cure me of that as I was alone. Never again! I thought I'd puke getting both out of the woods, gutted, then home skinned and processed as it warmed up in PA in mid Nov!
Disgusting. I'd avoid it only for the work, but I'm old!
There may be lots of lessons learned... but the luck that happened to this chap is outstanding and I applaud his fortune...
Not for some of us due to past conditioning. I think (haven't hunted here in TN yet) but I think we can kill 2 buck a year, but one a day...think that is how it is. Till I find a place to hunt, doesn't matter.
I guess we're all a product of our own past, history and local rules. Hard to back up in this cyber world and embrace that other areas have very different rules and criteria on what's "cool".
I'd not have done it, but am happy it all worked out for this gent!
Rejoice and be glad in it! Likely a one-time deal!