Looking to buy some bamboo shafts to finish into arrows. When I plugged the info for the 60# bow (cut to center) at 28" draw it puts the recommended dynamic spine range at about 64-70#. Plugging in the info for tapered bamboo arrows, with assumptions on GPI and end diameters based on seller claims, with a 125gr point and 2" dowel in the tip, it's telling me I should get 80-85# static spine shafts at 29.5". Of course you cut them long and tune to account for form variations, but does that seem right to you guys? Or does 80-85# seem high? Most recommendations I see for wood shooters is to add 5# to the bows weight to get close.
I want to only have to order once, because they ship from overseas, meaning it'll be weeks of waiting and higher volumes of shafts.