So I am a ground pounder for sure. Not out of any sense of wanting to hunt harder or anything. Really, it's one part laziness (I hate dragging stuff around) and 2 parts antsyness (I get bored sitting still after an hour or so). Thus, I am a ground pounder I build little ground blinds and then abandon them an hour or two after sunsrise and mostly still hunt. Why fight it? I hunt to enjoy it so what the heck!
Well last Sunday was a a perfect day to be in the deer woods it was the first really cold snap here, dropped down the 17 that night. So I did my usual thing which was wake up way early, get to a good spot I'd set up a few days before an hour before first light, and promised myself I would sit tight as I know this is a productive spot. I was tucked between 3 small oaks on top a saddle that connects 3 half mile long ridges on their back ends. I just knew it would be perfect. I watched the sun rise and the woods come alive and sat tight for about an hour. Then naturally being a creature of habit I promptly abandoned my groundblimd on que and set out along the back side of the saddle (the east facing slope).
I found myself slowly traversing the side of the incline when I heard a twig snap and sure enough it was a buck! A decent 6 point looking down the hillside about 50 yards dead ahead. Now what? He is still 50 yards and I am right out in the open. So naturally I freeze and watch. He actually beds down in some brush! Whoa! This is going well so I sneak closer about ten more yards using a big white oak as a shield. I peak around and he is still calmly bedded. I wait for an eternity then start the move closer. Suddenly he stands up and starts stomping but, not at me! He is looking down the hillside at something I watch anxiously but, he has had enough and runs off. Hmm I think "must be another hunter I know there is a trail down there." Disappointed but, unfazed I continue on.
After a bit I come to the beginning of the middle ridge on the eastern side of the saddle, it forms it's highest point here, a large knob, before gently extending west north west. I am moving tree to tree now when suddenly Ihear it. The soft footsteps of a whitetail deer. Just above me over the top of the knob. I am in trouble now I am stuck in the open! Quickly and as quietly as I can muster I tuck myself down on my knees and do my best stump imitation. Then there he is another 6 pointer. Only this one is much younger and smaller. He heads toward me at first at a slight angle then turns broadside and lowers his head. My hearts starts pounding and I come to full draw. That was a mistake he saw the movement and hops behind a tree then peaks his head around to stare. Now I am stuck frozen at full draw. I know if I move to let down he'll bolt. Did I mention it is also 17 degrees and I am freezing! He stares at me and I start to ache with the strain. Then he takes a step out and stares more then another, and another slowly ever so slowly. Now I start to shake with the strain I almost have a shot "one more step please muscles hold" I plead. Now my bow hand is shaking as bad as my draw hand. I try to squeeze my shoulder blades together just one little bit to tighten it up then "WHAM!" My string hand flies right, my bow arm flies left, and the arrow flies harmlessly nearly a 2 feet wide. Of course he wigs and I am left with nothing to do but laugh. "Hell with this ridge I know another one I am not done yet" I think to myself. So off I go to my secret ridge with the hidden hilltop watering hole. It's only a quarter mile from here anyway.
It's a steep climb up and by now it's after 9. WhenI reach the top I hear a loud alarm snort and 2 does go high tailing it out of there crying "bow hunter bow hunter bow hunter!!! Every few steps". They went right where I was headed too! Ohh well heck with it I will wait a bit and then head that way anyway. So onwards I go slowly moving between trees. I am almost at the first high spot on on the north side of the of the ridge down the doe a waysto avoid sky lighting myself. I don't expect to see much when suddenly there is a couple legs, then a back, ohh man it's another buck! A little fork horn with his nose down just 30 yards out headed this way at a steady pace. I am ready now he turns and is headed right towards me head on. I lean against the side of an oak and hope maybe I look just like the rest of it. He keeps coming, 10, now 8, now 6 still facing me! Please turn my mind pleads. Suddenly be looks up and freezes. His ears come forward and he states right at me. I have just enough time to think $&!+ ! When he lets out a loud snort an skedaddles calling the alarm as he runs out of eye sight. I sigh then grin. What a rush three blown bucks in one day that's a new record! I came home tired, empty handed, and totally happy.