I may have done psychological damage to a young newbie. I met a kid with his first bow. A used 50 pound Bear Patriot, he had a bow quiver with one target point and three newer style Bear heads, on carbons. He said that he had 5 broad heads to start with. He had less than a 27" draw. His arrows flew terrible, way too stiff. I had him shoot some of mine, way better. I gave him three with 190 grain Ribtecs that matched the blunt he shot. He brought them back this noon. He shot his first deer, a forky with one. The poor deer died a horrible quick death right in front of him, the deer died in seconds. When he talked, I could tell that it was not anything like he expected. I reassured him, that what happened was exactly what any archer wants. He seemed to feel a bit better about it then. I am going to make him a new dozen arrows when he gets his form stabilized, 6 of those 145 Ribtecs that are heading my way will be on them.