I have to thank Gene and Barry Wensel for sharing the snort wheeze info on deer. It was the biggest factor for me killing this buck. I`m sure there were some who knew of that call before them, but them sharing that info was the first I had heard of it.
I called him back to me 3 times and witnessed some other really neat deer behavior, before I shot him. If I had not known the call, he passed me and would have just kept going. I tried the can call and grunting at him to no avail.
He came back looking for a fight, tearing up trees and had little focus on the camo blob in the tree.
I centered his heart at 10 yards and he only went a few steps and fell over. My first kill with the single bevel grizzly,pretty nice results.All I had to do was strop it and it is back in service, hair popping sharp with no damage.
He is not a great buck, especially for the area , I had to shoot him to complete the memory.
Keep that call in your bag of tricks, it can work when the stars align. Thanks again to the Wensels for sharing.