We set up camp in the dark, got a bite to eat and hit the sack for the morning hunt.
Here is a picture of camp the first morning

The next morning I was up before daylight to eat breakfast and start glassing at first light.
So before I go any farther let me just say my goal was to shot any mature goat with my recurve. I talked with the biologist and she said the population was really good and they were hoping some tag holders would take some nannys to balance the herd a little. So I decided with my bow I would shoot a dry nanny if given the opportunity even the first day. One of my motto's is "don't pass up something the first day that you would shoot the last day"
My plan for the first morning was to try and find a lone billy to stalk If I was unable to find a lone billy I would watch the group from the night before and see if they get into a place I could stalk into