Its been about 5 years since I ordered a brand new bow, not bad eh? Well its been long enough and being bitten by the Silver Tip bug, worst than ever I finally sent Beth a check.
I teetered between a 1 piece recurve and a 3 piece long bow. At this time Ive decided on a 3 piece LB, a serious hunting bow. My riser will be charcoal dymondwood with an arched accent stripe, old school checkering as my recurve has with rough sheep horn tips.
My predicament is that I can't decide on veneers. Im feeling like the search for the right veneer will be a hunt in itself, a quest for something that takes my breath away.
Some things Ive picture in my mind are green stained tamo ash, gnarly cocobolo, spalted maple, b&w ebony, juniper, yew with heart wood, exhibition koa or sapelle pomelle. A lot of different characteristics, I know but Im gonna have fun with this.
The list is only partial and if any of you have something to show or suggest, please have at it. Id like to see some pics of your most unique veneers. Im leaning toward a reddish hue along the lines of cocobolo but Im open to suggestions.
Thanks, Izzy