I received my son's Christmas/Graduation bow this afternoon from Steve. Possibly the most beautiful bow he has built for my family (and that's a bunch). I will post pics after Christmas.
Please remember...in the last 45 days he has:
a) located a place in Alabama for his new shop (imagine the travel involved here)
b)dismantled his shop in the UP.
c) driven the whole shebang cross country.
d) reassembled his shop in Alabama.
Theres more, but you get the point. Steve is the best bowyer I have ever met, and one of the most honest and conscientious men I know. He is busy as heck getting things organized in his new digs, building bows, etc. As with most craftsmen that make a living with their hands, he is NOT sitting at a desk worrying over the phone and computer. He is on his shop floor, building bows. We all get spoiled with the 24/7 customer service from places like LL Bean and Cabelas.
Lets show Steve a little respect and patience. He's one of us. If you ordered a bow, it will come.