2014 October 9th 1st Evening Hunt:
I remember distinctly corresponding with Ben via text during this hunt and it was sloooooowwww....... We entered the last 15 minutes or so of shooting light and then it happened. A beautiful deer stepped out and cautiously moved towards my 17 yard shooting window. I've been waiting for this moment
May my arrow fly true....
I pick my spot and focus with high intensity. This deer is mature & begins to edge forward. There's no way I dare audibly to stop it. I choose to stayed focused on my form, push-pull and then the loose........
I see the arrow in flight, and with the forward motion of the deer the impact looks a little back, but should still connect with lungs, and at worst... Liver. The deer bolts back where it came from and I lose it in the brush. I listen intently. Maybe 30 Seconds to a minute later I hear a sharp rustling of leaves, then a pause and another shorter duration of rustling leaves, then ALL quiet.... I text Ben and say "It's not slow anymore" Darkness arises & uncertainty sets in. The rustling was very close but I could not place where it really was. It was on my left and my left ear is a little weak. It was close enough that I'm concerned if it's my deer, I'd bump it. So, I choose to slip out quietly with no flash light until I get to my arrow for inspection. So imagine my best impression of Elmer Fudd in the dark slipping ever so quietly along the trail to reach my arrow without spooking anything. I reach the fork closest to the rustling and make a 90 degree turn right where the deer originally walked & exited!!! I then turn my light on dim and find my arrow. Good color Blood, but not a real soaking...
I make my way to the truck where Ben & I discuss the situation. I'm churning on what to do. Ben is in the let's go check it out camp, I'm in the feet dragging mode of questioning if I'm back too far for such a quick death... It's plenty cold, and my conservative side tells me to hold-off.
The recovery will have to wait til tomorrow morning. Unfortunately that means I'll have to do it myself as my hunting partner will not be available....