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Author Topic: The Sun Has Set On Iowa Early Season - Time to Reflect on 2015 (Complete w/pics)  (Read 6075 times)

Online KAZ

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Time to Pack Him Out! I've got a long walk back...

Loaded Up & secure

After the long walk back, after this it's back to work... Gladly   :goldtooth:  

It was a wonderful ending to the 2015 Spring Turkey Season. Thank you to my Farmer Friend...

Online KAZ

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The VPA 250 Grain 1-1/4"Cutting Diameter 3-Blade Broadheads are awesome.....

Entry is on the left (His Right Side) / Exit is on the right (His Left Side)


Close Up #1

Close Up #2

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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That's a big oll hole in that turkey!!!!!

Great memories!!!!!

Looking forward to the rest  >>>-------->
The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline Sean B

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Great story bud!!  Congrats!!  Loving that KB!!!
PBS Regular Member
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Online KAZ

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Thanks Ben & Sean! As soon as I free up, I'll share my 2015 Whitetail season to date...  :campfire:

Online KAZ

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Spring turns to Summer, and Summer trickles into Fall. The joy of Dreams fulfilled on January 10th with the Season Ending Doe, and the May 16th Final Weekend Jake floods back deep within me as I choose to Reflect on what God Has done & Is doing in my life. I'm a firm believer in the importance of memorials, photos, written Reflections, etc.. that represent times & places that God's Love, Faithfulness, Power, Grace, and Mercy were vividly revealed to me. It helps to encourage me when times get tough, or I feel alone in this world.... Life indeed is a gift, thank you God for All that we have, all that you have done, and all that you continue to do in revealing yourself to us each & everyday when we take time to reflect....   :notworthy:

Online KAZ

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This really takes me back to the beginning of this thread when I led with the following picture and words...


As I reflect on the early whitetail season & 2015 in general, I'm mindful that our "Freedom" is not Free. As I was walking my dog on September 23rd, 2015 enjoying a beautiful Sunrise ordained by God Himself, I looked back at the horizon... Our Nation's Flag was alive and I could not help but take a moment to reflect & pray.    :notworthy:   My ultimate Allegiance is to God the Father, through Faith in Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit's empowerment. My most heartfelt appreciation, gratitude, and respect goes out to ALL who have served past & present, sacrificing everything that we might be Free & truly LIVE! This includes our Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, Medical Professionals, & Civilians that stand ready to Fight & Protect for God & Country! Well done...    :notworthy:

"May We Never Forget"

Online KAZ

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Time to "Carry On"

2015 October 1st Opening Day:

Full of hope, full of dreams, and it is good.......




Online KAZ

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Well, all the anticipation of opening day and the woods coming alive with Iowa Whitetails will remain a dream. A genuine "Goose Egg", zippo...    :goldtooth:  ...  :archer2:

Online KAZ

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So, my tiny private spot did not pan out, and Public Land Wilderness is usually reserved for later in the Season... Picture Iowa Giants Rutting   :saywhat:  

Ahhh yesss.... I have "permission" to hunt a wonderful County Park during the Rut this year, AND I have been blessed with a Bonus "Anysex" Tag to be used at my discretion..........   :saywhat:    :saywhat:  

Ben & I were fortunate to gain access to the County Park for an extra season this year due to an unfilled time-slot...   :goldtooth:  We BOTH will have opportunity to Harvest a Buck so the excitement is HIGHER than normal... Woohoo!

Online KAZ

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Remember... The County Park Hunt is no easy task. We're in maintenance mode on the deer numbers and it takes some woodsmanship, strategy, & perseverance to make it happen. I figured I'd contact the hunters that were hunting previously in our zone. Their only report - "It's dead in there, didn't see squat... Good Luck  :archer:

Online KAZ

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2015 October 16th - Evening Hunt

I'm 17 yards off the entry trail to the Pear Tree. Just like last year, only later so there's less pears... The wind is not perfect for the shooting lane so I'll need to be ready to make it happen. Once again it's sloooowww, but I've seen this before.   :saywhat:   Finally, foot steps.... A wonderful mature doe steps out but still partially covered by foliage. Be patient, be ready, stay loose..... She takes a few more steps and here we go again, Big Miss wiggy.... Starts to check the air for intruders. To be fair, I'd do the same thing if I were her, as it's fixin to get serious real quick   :saywhat:  She makes her advance, and just like last year no way am I stopping her. I pick my spot in the pocket and burn a hole with all of my mind & vision. The draw, shoulders limber, up & engaged, push-pull, pushing, reach anchor, then the loose.....   :archer2:

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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I know how this one ends   :jumper:
The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline Tsalt

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Originally posted by 23feetupandhappy:
Tim Salters

"But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One."  Genesis 49:24

Online KAZ

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Originally posted by Tsalt:
Originally posted by 23feetupandhappy:

Praise God, it doesn't happen that often. But I'm nothing special and have indeed missed... One thing that helps, though is no guarantee is to prepare/stay loose but focused, and setup my hunting scenarios for success.... 17 Yards for me is one of the best balances of close but not too close to the animal. I go mostly undetected, the shot angle is good, and my vision can support picking a specific spot with laser like focus. My arrows are Heavy & Tuned up nice so they shoot where I'm looking...   :archer2:   Of course, not every opportunity happens at that distance so I'm able to make it happen outside that boundary but by being purposeful about my hunting setups, discerning when & when NOT to shoot, I set myself up for success... There may be a connection to this line of thinking later in the season reflection.....   :dunno:

Online KAZ

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The arrow is on it's way.... Once again, similar to last year the flicker of Fletching appears a little back likely due to her forward momentum... She makes a mad dash through a large brush mound and up into the field. At 40 yards she stops, motionless, holding really tight. My mind interprets the reaction, the damage, the prognosis.... I think she's got that slow sway going on (Come on, go down!), her head & neck begin to crane ever so slowly side to side, and stretch.... Just then, a small buck joins the scene and she's off with a quick dash to disappear.... I immediately start processing my next moves and the recovery plan.... Darkness comes and I inspect the arrow. Arrow is soaked with good blood. Definitely some lung blood, but I sense there's more to it............ Likely liver as well. No gut smell at all. All good, but again uncertainty on specific time of death. Temperature is dropping rapidly and will ultimately be FREEZING tonight. Thank you Lord for that option.... I talk to Ben via text & phone to replay the scenario. Once again, He's on the side of "Go Get Her!" I convince myself to go to the High School Football game and come back 3-4 Hours later banking on worst case one lung & liver... Best case totally stiff deer that died on it's last dash.

It was good to find balance and spend time with my family at the game, enjoy Pizza with them, etc... I headed back to the scene. The blood trail was good til I got to the Field grass. Much harder to see the blood so I start to question. Temperature is not an issue, but coyotes may be... I find where she was standing and there's good blood. But it's hard to find the exit trail. I can tell the directions she's heading & have a firm idea of where she likely went to bed or expire. There's a fence opening that leads to a thicket about 25-30 yards away. I decide I'll slip over there like Elmer Fudd again, really cautious so I don't bump her and see what I see. I'm doing the limited flashlight deal to be stealthy. I get to fence opening and crouch down (Shouldn't have done that), take a little gander with limited light. Nothing... I'm coming back a daybreak so I don't bump my prize... I then pray that God would protect my deer from coyotes and the recovery would be quick.   :saywhat:    :goldtooth:

Online KAZ

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I have to tell you, the photography is so much better when Ben is around, but when I'm alone and moving fast, it's downright poor.... Sorry folks, I'm gonna post these so you know I'm not just a "word picture" guy spinning yarn............. Please know I have the utmost respect for this animal and wish I had better photos to show & honor her. May the shot placement documentation & narration grow your database for your own recoveries... I know Ben & I learn from every situation.



What a wonderful start to the 2015/2016 Iowa Archery Season. A beautiful Mature Doe at the County Park. One step closer to potentially earning the privilege of another 2016 Bonus Anysex permit also... The meat will be a welcome addition to a freezer that has LOTS of room....    :goldtooth:

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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Lots of good meet there!!!
The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline Altiman94

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I have to tell you all that KAZ is a very humble and selfless person..  He was hesitant to post his season thus far and I encouraged him to keep going.  

If anyone ever doubts the ability to harvest - these threads show the guys that are successful year in and year out.

I know these threads are used as motivation for many of us, so the more stories and pictures that can be shared by everyone keeps us all moving forward.

Last year I had my own traditional journey and he mentored me through the entire process.  Helped me set up arrows, bow, showed me some form tips, and provided encouragement.  When I finally harvested, he was there to offer congratulations and keep pushing me to dive deeper into trad.

I use these threads as motivation to continue on the trad journey.  I found myself questioning my ability with a trad bow this year and the story/harvest threads keep me motivated to get back 'into the game'.  

Between KAZ, 23feetupandhappy, and everyone else, I have plenty of fuel for my fire to start on next year's journey.  My biggest fear is that I will have a dry year and not be able to provide any meat for the table.  We all know it is possible with the right set up and plenty of practice to be just as successful with trad equipment.

Keep it coming!!   :clapper:

Offline Tsalt

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Originally posted by KAZ:
Originally posted by Tsalt:
Originally posted by 23feetupandhappy:
Tim Salters

"But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One."  Genesis 49:24

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