I have to tell you all that KAZ is a very humble and selfless person.. He was hesitant to post his season thus far and I encouraged him to keep going.
If anyone ever doubts the ability to harvest - these threads show the guys that are successful year in and year out.
I know these threads are used as motivation for many of us, so the more stories and pictures that can be shared by everyone keeps us all moving forward.
Last year I had my own traditional journey and he mentored me through the entire process. Helped me set up arrows, bow, showed me some form tips, and provided encouragement. When I finally harvested, he was there to offer congratulations and keep pushing me to dive deeper into trad.
I use these threads as motivation to continue on the trad journey. I found myself questioning my ability with a trad bow this year and the story/harvest threads keep me motivated to get back 'into the game'.
Between KAZ, 23feetupandhappy, and everyone else, I have plenty of fuel for my fire to start on next year's journey. My biggest fear is that I will have a dry year and not be able to provide any meat for the table. We all know it is possible with the right set up and plenty of practice to be just as successful with trad equipment.
Keep it coming!!