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Author Topic: The Sun Has Set On Iowa Early Season - Time to Reflect on 2015 (Complete w/pics)  (Read 6076 times)

Online KAZ

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Thanks TSalt. We're good, I didn't take it negatively at all.   :thumbsup:   I know you meant it complimentary. I'm glad you enjoy & find some benefit to my posts... I enjoy yours & Tradgang in general. Great bunch of folks, wonderful community/forum here...   :campfire:

Online KAZ

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2015 October 17th - Evening Hunt
So after recovering my doe this beautiful Saturday Morning, I was able to get her taken care of and my schedule was free for the evening. The wind was out of the West/SouthWest and I'd had my eye on a location we call "Cow Toes". It got it's name years ago when I located some scrapes & targeted the area. It's kind of a bottom funnel that drops off of a ridge into an apron/staging area before heading out into the field. The tracks that showed up in the scrape were HUGE   :scared:

History: That first year I hunted "Cow Toes" was one of the first years Ben began to hunt out at the County Park with me. I'd been doing it for years... So on that morning hunt I rattled in a 135" 9pt that came right over to the scrape, through my apron shooting lane to check things out. I PASSED HIM thinking it wasn't "Cow Toes"   :saywhat:  Of course "Cow Toes" in my eyes would have to be the new Iowa State Record   :knothead:  I remember telling Ben and another friend about my morning and they both shook their head and said "I see"....   :dunno:  I never did kill "Cow Toes"    :confused:

Online KAZ

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The wind was tricky for a typical treestand ambush on "Cow Toes". The scrapes had not opened up yet which was kind of odd, but I did have one lightly rubbed tree that gave me hope that it may just be a little early. I decided opening a Mock Scrape to induce the action a little. The other benefit to this type of strategy is that it will potentially stop the deer right in my kill zone....   :saywhat:   With no tree begging for a stand, enter the Double Bull Blind    :saywhat:   Let's hope it works...    :pray:

Online KAZ

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The sun is setting and it's looking like a "Goose Egg" is coming...  :help:  I've got a little "pocket" to shoot at but I'd like a little more. I know she's gonna do something, so I begin the shot sequence, intense on the pocket, she does that slow advance so she can give me a better look, too late, the sniper in the tent let's loose...   :campfire:

Online KAZ

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The gift of a beautiful Ground Blind Doe    :notworthy:  


Exit - Turns out she was "quartering to" me more than I thought. Good thing I was tighter in the pocket on the Entrance side...

This picture shows the "Blocking Tree" on the left...

Another benefit is that I have fulfilled that Harsh Motivation Requirement Whip speaks about... 2016 Should be pretty enjoyable for me... Thank you Lord   :goldtooth:

Online KAZ

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It's off to work for now, but I can tell you the next adventure comes with "Handles".......  :campfire:    :campfire:

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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The Lord Is My Provider......

Online KAZ

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I'm feeling pretty good about the great start to the season with the 2 Does, it's definitely time to focus on bucks. I normally don't hit the Public Land Wilderness til the end of October or Early November & it's usually when Ben & I hunt together, so it will be the County Park & Bonus Buck Permit...

The goal is a nice mature buck, of course a GIANT would be icing on the cake.   :notworthy:

Online KAZ

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Before my decoy hunt I had decided to do some scouting for buck sign, and I have a few spots that historically will open up so I started there. One of the spots "finally" had it's first "rough-up", not even a full scrape but I knew it was the start of something   :saywhat:

Well looky what I found............   :goldtooth:



I immediately decided to call him "Pretty Boy", as was a beautiful buck, but he sure looked BREAKABLE!!! I figured I'd have to kill him quick if I wanted him in tact....

Online KAZ

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With "Pretty Boy" opening scrapes, it seemed like things were picking up... Ben harvested a great Buck on October 23rd  :saywhat:

I hunted this stand a few times morning & night with only a few small bucks and a "Goose Egg" thrown in. However, they were messing with my Mock Scrape and that's all that mattered....

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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Bring it!!!!
The Lord Is My Provider......

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Good stuff Kaz, Keep it coming!

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Online KAZ

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2015 October 29th - Evening Hunt:

It's the final day in this Zone so if I don't take "Pretty Boy" here & now, I'll have to see if I can find another spot to ambush him or I'll need to find a replacement target....

I'm waiting patiently...

PowerLines Behind Me

Scrape Scenario

The first deer to come in is a beautiful doe from the PowerLines and she coming into the scrape scenario. She gives me every opportunity for a shot, but I'm hoping she'll have something in tow...   :banghead:  so he stops, standing at 17 yards, quartering to a little, and staring my way. Not ideal.... We have this general stare down for minutes, tic...toc.....tic....toc.... I'm ready, but I need him to relax and get broadside. He doesn't fully relax, but he starts to turn away with a bend that exposes the pocket, and my mind sees broadside. I burn a hole in the pocket with my eyes, and I go on autopilot with shot sequence, you know my routine.... Then, the loose   :archer2:

Online KAZ

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The last thing I can remember of that arrow flight is a little flicker of fletch heading right towards the pocket, maybe a few inches back, but then I lose sight of it.... I didn't hear an impact, and the buck bolted back the way he came....  :notworthy:

Online KAZ

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I showed up bright and early and began the search... I found a little more blood, but nothing significant. I reanalyzed the whole blood trail to build confidence that this deer should indeed be dead, he just needs to be found. The temperature had gotten real cold so that was not an issue, only coyotes to produce anxiety... My best hypothesis was that I had more likely hit one lung, maybe even a little of the second lung (Because I had Bubbles), but likely some liver and that the whole had plugged to some degree. Clearly if it was a double lung smoker, the blood trail would have led right to him. With this knowledge in mind, I'm thinking thicket to bed and maybe even water. Water is a long ways away, so it's a nasty thicket only 40 yards away that has my attention. It just so I happens I've had other deer go this direction in the past. There's a clear fence opening that leads into the thicket...

It's at this time that Ben arrives to help. Big relief, when Ben & I are together it goes much better for the both of us. As he stated in his thread we compliment each other well and both been quite instrumental in successful tracking jobs... Long story short, we calculated this deer should not have gone past 150-200 yards max so let's grid search the whole thicket. I'm off in some direction and I get a text. "I've got Blood" from Ben. Now, this is a code phrase that has been used in the past to indicate the deer has been found. But this seemed different, I wanted that to be true but he was stealthy. I fired back. Cool, well done... He tells me he's 75yards or so from the fence opening and to circle wide. I take my sweet time keeping an eye out for sign and the buck, and he begins to get ansy.... Finally I arrive and walk right up to him and he shows me some blood. I'm looking it over like a forensics analyst, and he bumps my attention a few steps away....   :notworthy:   We high five it and enjoy the moment Praising God for this wonderful animal, harvest, recovery, and our friendship. Thank you Lord & Thank you Ben!   :notworthy:

Online KAZ

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My 2015 Bonus Buck...

His Final Resting Spot



On the cart...

He's a wonderful Iowa 10Pt, a lot of meat on this big boy, and memories that will last a lifetime... Praise God for it all   :notworthy:

Offline Tsalt

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Awesome!!!  Looking forward to pics!!!
Tim Salters

"But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One."  Genesis 49:24

Offline Tsalt

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... And there they are!  Awesome buck bro!!  Was that "pretty boy"?
Tim Salters

"But his bow remained steady, his strong arms stayed limber, because of the hand of the Mighty One."  Genesis 49:24

Online KAZ

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Originally posted by Tsalt:
... And there they are!  Awesome buck bro!!  Was that "pretty boy"?
No, "Pretty Boy" was a big wide 8pt... This beautiful 10pt came in and I decided he was the one....

However, I thought it added some suspense..... Am I right?   :goldtooth:

Offline 23feetupandhappy

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Originally posted by KAZ:
Originally posted by Tsalt:
... And there they are!  Awesome buck bro!!  Was that "pretty boy"?
No, "Pretty Boy" was a big wide 8pt... This beautiful 10pt came in and I decided he was the one....

However, I thought it added some suspense..... Am I right?    :campfire:
The Lord Is My Provider......

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