I showed up bright and early and began the search... I found a little more blood, but nothing significant. I reanalyzed the whole blood trail to build confidence that this deer should indeed be dead, he just needs to be found. The temperature had gotten real cold so that was not an issue, only coyotes to produce anxiety... My best hypothesis was that I had more likely hit one lung, maybe even a little of the second lung (Because I had Bubbles), but likely some liver and that the whole had plugged to some degree. Clearly if it was a double lung smoker, the blood trail would have led right to him. With this knowledge in mind, I'm thinking thicket to bed and maybe even water. Water is a long ways away, so it's a nasty thicket only 40 yards away that has my attention. It just so I happens I've had other deer go this direction in the past. There's a clear fence opening that leads into the thicket...
It's at this time that Ben arrives to help. Big relief, when Ben & I are together it goes much better for the both of us. As he stated in his thread we compliment each other well and both been quite instrumental in successful tracking jobs... Long story short, we calculated this deer should not have gone past 150-200 yards max so let's grid search the whole thicket. I'm off in some direction and I get a text. "I've got Blood" from Ben. Now, this is a code phrase that has been used in the past to indicate the deer has been found. But this seemed different, I wanted that to be true but he was stealthy. I fired back. Cool, well done... He tells me he's 75yards or so from the fence opening and to circle wide. I take my sweet time keeping an eye out for sign and the buck, and he begins to get ansy.... Finally I arrive and walk right up to him and he shows me some blood. I'm looking it over like a forensics analyst, and he bumps my attention a few steps away....

We high five it and enjoy the moment Praising God for this wonderful animal, harvest, recovery, and our friendship. Thank you Lord & Thank you Ben!