I have/have had a lot of customs over the years. My Schafer's are my "feel good" bows.
I don't really care much for chrono tests anymore, so I unfortunately cant help you there. Most high end customs are close enough for my hunting. I haven't shot an arrow through a chrono in 8 years.
I have both exotic and dymondwood risers, all fast flight performers.
I CAN help you in the durability department though. All my Tips have been tested by my brutal abuse in the field. I am terrible. I drop, smash, fall on, run over, etc. the best of my equipment.
I dropped a Windauer Tip 30 feet from a tree when the wind blew one time in New York. It landed on the bottom limb tip, and I expected a blown up bow when I climbed down.
It had unstrung, but was incredibly unharmed. The limbs did not twist. Lucky? Maybe...but I have blown knocks and basically dry fired several times with no damage. The risers are heavy and bomb proof, which I love. My son partially shut the truck door on my lower limb of my old Paul Schafer made Tip years ago, and aside from a couple of scratches, no damage.
I got stuck in Newfoundland once in heavy fog and rain, my Schafer was totally soaked for two days, freezing at night, and getting rained on all day the next day. No issues arose.
I shoot very heavy arrows from my current favorite at only 54# draw, and it does shoot very well indeed.
I have never been a Widow fan, although Ive owned a couple. Not a performance issue though, they are great bows. I just have something for Tips.
That's what it is all about, when you find that bow that just makes you feel confident, you are all set.
We have so many talented bowyers now, the tough part is getting to shoot them all to compare.