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Author Topic: jake turkey calls and setup??  (Read 541 times)

Offline beyondmyken

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jake turkey calls and setup??
« on: February 12, 2013, 08:13:00 AM »
I have done run and gun hunts for turkeys for years but this year, it is longbow only.  I purchased one of the uber relistic jake decoys but have questions about setup, use of jake/gobbler calls.  I will be using either a popup blind or natural blinds depending on prevailing terrain.  Any help on setup and calling suggestions would be appreciated.  This will be in the midwest.

Offline Kc kreger

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 08:34:00 AM »
I have always had better luck with hen decoys then with just a lone jake.

May I suggest you get a few hen decoys to put out to peek the interest of the big ol toms and then when he comes in to check out the new girls on the block and notices the jake on the scene you will have a better chance of sticking him with his attention on the group of birds instead of you.

Best of luck on your quest.  I have been after a turkey with my bow for over 2 years now.  I have had opportunities but just haven't sealed the deal.

Would love to hear how it works out and see a picture of you with your bird this spring!
Oklahoma Selfbow Society member
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Offline Old Gobbler 1

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 08:48:00 AM »
Have worked with several different brands of decoys over the years. Many of the newer models look great! A good "set up" that can get a gobbler`s attention quickly is a single subdued "jake" set so it looks as though he`s climbing up onto a "hen"... Many older gobblers can`t stand the jake actually making the move....

Offline Jerry Russell

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2013, 09:58:00 AM »

With 35 years of testing of about every decoy setup known to man, I have found that a jake and a double hen setup has been the best producer. I set my jake (Avian) and a hen close together at 7-8 yards (max) and another hen right beside the blind. If the turkey totally commits it is a point blank shot. If he fades just a bit and does his little circle he will most times still be within easy range.

My close hen helps in that we often attract birds with simply scratching the ground (no calling). The sound from inside the blind goes well with the super close hen. This is a killer setup for call shy birds.
I called in 5 birds last year that never made a sound but still came in and pounded my jake. I use a gobble tube and a single cackle when I am hunting old birds or birds that have been pressured. I use this call combination one single time every 30-45 minutes (sometimes much longer and then I simply believe that the bird is just out of range but coming slowly. Less is a lot more when hunting turkey and the single most powerful tool in the turkey woods is patience.

I have posted this video before but if you have not seen it, it shows my setup in the first few seconds from outside and inside the blind along with a big birds response to the setup.
Listen close and you can hear the big bird spitting at the jake decoy.


Good luck.

Offline uglyjake

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2013, 10:20:00 AM »
Remember patience with calling.  Turkeys have great hearing and will come in silent.

Arthur Kanneman

Offline acolobowhunter

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2013, 04:17:00 PM »
I have used many different decoys over the years, however last year I purchased a hen and jake Avian.  I set both about 7-8 yards in front of my blind and 30 minutes had my tom.  Left the decoys set up while we walked back to camp to eat lunch ( 1/4 mile) away.  While eating lunch we watched a Tom beat the dickens out of my jake decoy for a full 30 minutes.  Just wish I had been in the blind filming it.  Looking forward to another good year.  It this keeps up, I will have to take bandages for my jake decoy. Ha

Offline beyondmyken

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2013, 06:09:00 PM »
Thanks guys,  I am guilty of overcalling, I suspect.  It seems that the gobblers in my area aren't as vocal as they used to be.  I always think I will see one strutting "just over the next hill".  Any more suggestions on how jakes talk?

Offline Al Natural

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2013, 06:48:00 PM »
Feathers, I put a jake tail on a jake decoy three years ago and success has been incredible. Try skins or a tail you will not regret.

Offline bat man

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Re: jake turkey calls and setup??
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2013, 06:38:00 PM »
A realistic solo jake will get them in tight.  Add hens if you like but have a high end jake.  Smith, Zink, Hazel Creek    or Bestturkeydecoy.com all work.  

The call to use is the aggravated purr in the video below.  FWD to 29 seconds if you can't wait.  Learn this call if you run a jake or tom decoy this spring, and you will get more toms in tight.


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