Ok lets call this one THREE ARROWS.
I was on a horse hunting trip:
We were hunting Dall Sheep in the only bow zone (and it's just for the sheep there..so you can gun hunt other things...nuts eh!) in the yukon.
I was up the mountain that is inthe second pic down and it is the pointed mountain in the background.
It was our third or fourth day.....early september. We had had some cool nights, but nice sunny days....early fog rising.
Now I had a quiver that only held three arrows. I go up the mountain and I am coming around the side and I spot three rams laying together at about 200 yards. There is a scout up about them and he is ON ME.
So what to do. It starts to snow (sleet snow). So I decide to make a stalk and see how it works out. I am all decked out in off white. I start just meandering in their general direction trying hard not to make eye contact.
At about 100 yards I stop and have a sandwich....the snow is coming down but not as hard but the hillside is white now....and it's about 45 minutes later.
So I glass them to get an idea of sizes. Here you need full curl to take a sheep. I glass and their is one laying straight away...one straight towards me and the big fella facing downhill and broadside. Problem is his body is blocked by an outcropping.
So I start crawling side ways like a crab across the hill..trying to keep my profile low. The scout is on me, but the others seemed pretty relaxed.
I get about 60 yards and the scout stands up, but the three just lay there.
I figure if I can get another 20 yards that would be my max. There is a small ravine between us. So it takes me about an hour to get the last 20 yards....so I am resting...trying hard not to look and stair at them.
Trying to get my heart beat back to normal and my breathing. Now what?....hmmm.
I can't shoot the way I am...I am looking downhill and the sheep are on my right and I am a right hand shot. I pivot on the hill so my left shoulder is facing them.
I take a quick peek through the binos to make sure. I really want the BIG GUY, but he aint budging.
I had a WHOLE body of the closest one and he was legal for sure and facing away from me and even if I made a bad shot I had a whole body for error.
I made up my mind and decided to go for the biggest ram. So I knocked an arrow and I picked up a good sized rock and threw it as hard as I could past the three. It hit and they stood up looked the other way to see what the noise was
Perfect...I pulled anchored and shot....the arrow just seemed to take forever getting there....slush just kind of scattering in the sun as the arrow rotated in the air and it went over his vitals and back harmelessly and I lost sight of it.
As it hit they turned toward the sound again. I quickly nocked another arrow....the big fella had turned and was facing up hill.
I anchored and let fly....BANG.... I thought I broke my string or the bow....WOW it was loud.
I looked at my bow...nothing..string looked good.
Looked back at the rams and they were just staring at me. So I knocked my last arrow. I drew anchored and shot.....the arrow flew and flew..perfectly then the arc took it under him.
Unbelievable. I was sure that three arrows would be plenty for a days hunt...crap if you get a shot your lucky normally...I had three and no sheep.
I sat down not knowing what to do. The sheep were still standing there looking at me. So I decided that I had to go that wasy anyway back to camp so i might as well get started.
I walked through the dip towards them and they moved behind the outcrop and up the hill. I thought that's the last I will see of them.
I get up to where they were laying and look and there is no less than 7 YES 7 legal rams standing broadside nose to butts in a row at less than 20 yards....20 yards and I am out of arrows.
I looked at my knife and wondered if I threw it would it hit just perfectly..hmm
So I frantically start looking for the arrows. I looked everywhere and the whole time they are just staring at this crazy man.
I couldn't find them....So I am so mad that I just say screw it and started head towards the basin and the edge of the mountain towards camp.
Well wouldn't you know it.....they followed me....seriuosly...they followed me...like pied piper.
Then next day I ended up in the same spot on my way home and I was at the spot where I had taken the shots....I found my second arrow right there...I had dry fired it somehow.
I walked to where I had missed them and there staring at me out of the moss was the two arrows within a foot of each other....I pulled them out of the moss. One had the bh bent at a 90 degree angle and the other was perfect..little mud but perfect.
So that was my most memorable miss.
this pic says it all...disbelief
Jer Bear